So…How do you Effectively Wash Your Hands?

From a young age, we are constantly told to wash our hands - all familiar with the parental-like voice in the back of our minds reminding us that hygiene is key.

Yes, our parents were right all along, even if we sometimes hate to admit it.

Research shows that regular handwashing, is one of the best ways to prevent the spread of germs and avoid getting sick. “A study of school children showed that those who washed their hands had 24% fewer sick days due to respiratory illness and 51% fewer sick days due to upset stomach” It should be something that is part of our daily routine.

The 5 simple steps to effectively washing your hands:

  1. WET your hands with clean water.
  2. APPLY some soap and rub your hands together.
  3. Take your TIME to rub the back of each hand and clean in between your fingers. (It is advised to wash your hands for at least 20 seconds - apparently singing ‘Happy Birthday’ twice, is a completely normal thing to do these days as a good judgement for time.)
  4. RINSE the soap off well under clean running water.
  5. DRY your hands thoroughly and you’re good to go.


I’m sure you can make your own little handwashing song with the key steps. Even better, why don’t you try out our hand wash Tik Tok dance challenge!

Oh yes! If soap and water are not available, alcohol-based hand sanitisers are the next best option. They can help reduce the number of germs, however, be mindful that sanitisers do not eliminate all types of germs, so turn to that as a back-up if soap and water aren’t available.

You can watch a video on the correct way to wash your hands on the NHS website here. Kokoa have got your back! Why don’t you spice up your life with the ‘Traditional African Black soap’ 100% Natural and 100% Vegan. Check it out here:

Would hyper-link to Kokoa African Black Soap page:

Let us know your favourite soap! Share this post - spread the love and not the germs!