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    What Are The Benefits Of African Black Soap?

    What Are The Benefits Of African Black Soap? | Kokoa Eco Beauty

    African Black Soap : One of the healthiest soaps in existence.

    Real traditional African Black Soap is a type of soap originating from western Africa. Authentic Black Soap is made from harvested sun-dried African fruits and plants such as plantains, cocoa pods, palm tree leaves and shea tree bark. These ingredients are then roasted in a pot for hours, giving it its brown colour.

    Made from only 4 natural ingredients - Water, Plant Ash, Shea Butter and Sunflower oil. This soap has been made traditionally for ages in Ghana

    Studies have found 94% of African Black Soap users to be satisfied with the soap’s effectiveness for overall skincare. Here are 10 of the top benefits of using traditional black soap on your skin.


    A 2016 study proved traditional African black soap to be more effective at killing bacteria than other brands such as Dettol. This makes black soap perfect for hand-washing, or for facial use to kill acne-causing bacteria.


    These antibacterial properties can help fight acne by killing the pus-forming bacteria which can trigger inflammation in acne. Over 80% of African black soap users were reported to be satisfied with its ability to treat their acne.


    Black soaps made with shea butter (like ours!) can be great for moisturising the skin – the American Academy of Dermatology recommends using products containing shea butter to soothe and heal dry skin. They also advise against using products with added fragrance, so natural, fragrance-free African black soap can be a great option.

    4.Reduces Fine Lines & Wrinkles

    African black soap received a 100% satisfaction rate in those who used the soap to treat their fine lines in this 2016 study.


    Collagen is a protein which helps the skin stay plump and retain moisture;

    black soaps containing shea butter may be able to increase collagen production in the skin. This 2015 study found the active ingredients in shea butter to ‘hold collagen-enhancing and regenerating properties’ when used on the skin.

    6.Prevents Razor Bumps & Burns

    The cocoa ash found in black soap and its natural, unprocessed texture make it capable of gently exfoliating the skin. Regular exfoliation before shaving to remove dead skin is recommended to reduce razor burn/bumps – and of those using black soap to treat their razor bumps, over 92% reported being satisfied with its efficacy!

    7.UV protection

    Many traditional African black soaps contain cocoa pod ash; cocoa has a wealth of benefits for the body, with its components having been used to treat conditions such as psoriasis and acne. Studies have shown the flavonoids found in cocoa can effectively decrease the sensitivity of human skin toward UV light, meaning it may be beneficial in protecting against photoaging.


    African black soap has been found to contain anti-fungal properties. This means it may be beneficial when used to ease fungal skin conditions such as Athlete’s Foot or Fungal Acne.

    9.Treats Eczema

    100% of African black soap users using the soap to treat their eczema reported being satisfied with its ability to treat their condition. This may be due to its moisturising abilities, or the anti-inflammatory properties of shea butter which is commonly used in traditional black soap.

    10.Suitable for all skin types

    The best news of all is that traditional African black soap can be used by people with all skin types. According to a 2013 study, black soap ‘can be used by people with sensitive skin, normal, dry or oily skin.’


    These are just 10 of the many reported benefits of using African black soap for skin health. To see for yourself, you can purchase Kokoa’s natural, organic, traditional black soap here! How will you use yours?

    by Kokoa Eco Beauty & Hannah Wardle

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