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    How Often Should I REALLY Be Washing My Face?

    How Often Should I REALLY Be Washing My Face? | Kokoa Eco Beauty

    How Often Should I REALLY Be Washing My Face?

    "Pillowases that haven't been washed in 1 week can have 17,422 times more bacteria than a toilet seat" YIKES!

    You probably ask yourself, do I wash my face once a day, twice a day, more often, in the morning or at night? Or just whenever I feel like it?

    Dr Natasha Cook explains that people usually only wash their face at night to remove their make-up, however, cleansing in the morning is just as important too! She states that cleansing in the morning and night is vital for clear and smooth skin. Taking care of your face after a lovely night’s sleep helps prepare your skin for the day.

    Washing at night

    When you get home after a long day at work; you should treat your skin to a refreshing wash to remove all the excess oils and dirt from your skin that naturally build up over the course of the day before you relax for the evening. When you wake up from your slumber, you may think that your skin is still fresh and clean from your night-time cleanse, however, this isn’t the case.

    Washing in the morning

    "Pillowases that haven't been washed in 1 week can have 17,422 times more bacteria than a toilet seat"

    In 2016, Amerisleep discovered that pillowcases (that have not been washed for ONE week) can have up to 17,422 times more bacteria than a toilet seat! This definitely shows that you need to wash your face in the morning if you want to clean your face from the impurities and pollutants on your skin that have developed overnight. So, it’s better that you do not skip your morning skincare regime and make sure it includes a cleanse to keep your skin fresh and clear.

    Post workout

    For those people out there who love keeping active; it is important to note that if you love exercising and working up a sweat, you should wash your face after every work-out. It’s no surprise that when you’re sweating puddles in the gym or on the pavement; your body is secreting salts and oils onto your skin as a by-product of sweating. By removing these build ups; you’ll help to prevent any sweat induced break-outs.


    • Twice a day is the general rule; it’s crucial to find the regime that’s right for your skin. Double cleansing is always a plus to do at night.
    • Over-cleansing is not good! It can lead to overproduction of sebum in oily skin and further drying in dry skin. If you have dry or oily skin, you don’t want to over-cleanse! No matter what skin type you have, a good skincare routine will leave your skin feeling smooth and hydrated!
    • A gentle oil cleanse post workout is great to stay fresh faced without stripping the face.
    • Getting to know your skin’s unique and individual needs is an important part of picking the best products to keep you looking your best. It’s super easy to take 5 minutes twice a day for a bit of YOU-time. Relax from your busy day and take the time to look after your skin. AND why not make it exciting and fun by getting to know the products you’re using!

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