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    Anti Slave Labour & Good Wage Promise

    This year, Kokoa are supporting Hope for Justice, a charitable organisation which work towards ending modern day slavery. We will be donating 4% of all profits to this organisation.
    In line with the core values of Kokoa, we are committed to supporting wider societal efforts to stamp our modern slavery, with core natural ingredients sourced from primarily Ghana and exotic oils selected from around the world, our products are simple, high quality and effective.

    As our founder is a British Ghanaian, ensuring the protection and fair pay of her suppliers back home is paramount. We work with our farmers and suppliers directly to ensure they are well supported - they are like family to us! We ensure that not only a fair wage, but a good wage is always paid.

    Modern Slavery Issues

    Modern slavery has been described as the greatest human rights issues of our time. As defined in the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015, modern slavery is an umbrella term that encompasses slavery, servitude, forced or compulsory labour, and human trafficking. A report from the HM Government (UK Government Modern Slavery statement) states that 'around the world, something in the region of 40 million innocent men, women and children are forced into various forms of modern slavery.
    kokoa eco beauty anti-slave labour and good wage promise

    Vegan Guarantee

    100% for all products!

    Scientifically Effective Guarantee

    All our products are formulated and backed by science.

    Quality Guarantee

    No Hassle returns if you are not satisfied!